LadyXblackXRose's Journal

LadyXblackXRose's Journal


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14 entries this month

11:31 Jun 22 2013
Times Read: 582

So went off to sleep finally and slept like a log. But it did rain in the night which was needed as the heat last night was making it uncomfortable for us all. We have not even hit proper summer yet and but cause we didnt have one as such last year if we do have a heat wave this year i think we will all be struggling through it.

So i got a lay in this morning my knees are still sore from the last couple of days.

I think it might have been due to helping out the neighbors on Wednesday clearing o to wait and seeut the front room as they were getting a delivery of a new sofa and two chairs. But with four dogs and one cat plus a ton load dvd's and doggy ornaments to work around it was not easy. Not to mention the daughters clothing and stuff she is collecting for her pregnancy. The mind boggles on that one but we got it all cleared and just in time.

My tumble dryer is working its miracle wonders thankfully so i dont need to run around like i did last weekend.

But the sun is possibly coming out so shall just have to wait and see what today brings :)



11:37 Jun 22 2013



16:47 Jun 21 2013
Times Read: 586

So have had little sleep again last night i think i made it to four hours or there abouts?

Got up early as my phone buzzed with a message for the delivery company at 6.00am telling me that they would be arriving with the tumble dryer between 7 and 8 am. So got my youngest sorted out and explained about having visitors early. He handled it real well. So its working well i assume at least that it is.

Went out to the doctors after midday to see if the doctors had made up the repeat perscription for my youngest as the pediatrician is happy with how it is going and feels i can go through the local gp. However gp has other ideas and they have refused to make one up. So spoke to the pediatrician and she got on the phone to the health practice and what do ya know i get a phone call form them and hour later stating that it will be made up for Monday. Whoops guess they didnt see that one coming to smack them so quickly on the ass when the receptionist snottily replied that i would have to go back to the pediatrician. Chuckles i have learnt when it comes to my kids health a direct number to the person in question is and will be always just a speed dial away for me. So i look forward to Monday's encounter with the receptionist as i request for my sons medication. Wonder if she will be working but am guessing she wont be.

So anyhow i did my shopping and came home in agony as my legs are cramping badly around the knees again. Hope it is not a bad sign as i have only a week to go before the kids break off for a six week summer holiday.

My youngest has been taking more visit's to the high school he will be attending after the holidays. The reports are coming back positive so that is good. Just hope he keeps the positive reports up after the holidays and transfer successfully.

New neighbors have moved in across the street as well i am guessing Polish as they were not speaking fluid English. So should be interesting to see how long they last here.




16:34 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 591

Am running on low fumes today as i didnt get much sleep last night. Youngest was restless a lot and one second he would be asleep and the next he would be wide awake. So when i went to try and awake my eldest for school his refusal to go was not what i needed to hear. He complained of feeling ill. So i thought perhaps he should stay off and see how things went. Come 11.00am he was feeling well enough to play his games on the ps so he didnt like it when i told him he would be going into school.

Yes mean mother shall have her own way. So we got ready and went once i dropped him off i walked from his school into town which was a good distance and it was nice enough weather and i am feeling the affects of it as my knees are aching just nicely to keep me wide awake.

Done some shopping for food this evening and shall have to do the big shopping load tomorrow.

The post man didnt bring me much in the way of good news today either as it was all about my youngest and him getting blood taken come early July so am not looking forward to that bit but the neighbor have kindly agreed to help me in restraining him. But if he keeps on having nose bleeds at the rate he is on weekly basis their might not be much left for a nurse to remove. Hopefully he sleeps a bit better tonight and then i can also.

I have my new tumble dryer arriving tomorrow early as well so i can play catch up over the weekend with the mountain of washing. Just be my luck that Scotland decides to break out into a mini heatwave and i wont have use for it for a few weeks.




Clean Break

17:31 Jun 19 2013
Times Read: 595

I am not a ray of sunshine at this time and moment so if you message me dont expect much of a conversation out of me. If you do get one well are'nt you a lucky sod today then!

You have been full warned and will be like this for quite sometime most likely.




16:47 Jun 15 2013
Times Read: 605

Ok i just dont get kids.

In the last 15 mins my front door has 3 times by the same kid. Now i get that when you are small that time does not possibly mean the same as teen or an adult does.

But when you are sat outside across the street and can visibly see the front and back door and that no one has entered or left either door. Why knock on it to see if my son is in who by the way is a teenager and is not in the street and i have already said that on the first occasion you knocked on my front door that he was not in?

Do these kids imaginations think that i have a secret tunnel leading to a trap door that is in the cupboard under the stairs or something. Cause unless that is the case im fairly dam well certain that he has not returned!




16:48 Jun 14 2013
Times Read: 609

Ugh i hate this season. Spiders are coming out and making webs in my home. Just tried to kill one and failed badly resulted in me screaming like a big girl. ~Just shakes head~ Got to be an easier way to handle those little buggars!!!!!!!!~




16:56 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 612

So my youngest had his first day induction into high school before he joins there full time after the summer holidays.

From what i could understand he seemed to enjoy most of it. But changing from one class to the next did upset him as he has been use to one classroom from 9.00am till 3.00pm so its a new thing which he will gradually get use to i hope.

He had a good time yesterday going to an animal farm and going to the park that is there as he does not do well with animals at all. He came back home with a new addition to the family a toy called Mr Tiger who is currently going where ever he goes. So shall see how long that lasts for.

But am pleased for him he has truly come so far from when the doctors first diagnosed him back in 2002. Am a happy mum today.




15:04 Jun 10 2013
Times Read: 615

Slightly stressed out start to the day. Hopefully will be a better late afternoon and evening if not the potential to explode could be inevitable.

Thinking calming thoughts as of now.




14:11 Jun 09 2013
Times Read: 634

So today started off with a pigeon once again sittong its fat arse on my chimney cooing away. At least it was after 9.00am a small blessing i guess.

Got up and have made a start on the house work as it has been put off for a few days what with the coughing fits and sneezing.

It has been mostly a quiet morning but my eldest is having internet issues himself with some female who wont take a hint. But he is handling it quite well so far and am proud of him for being the adult in it all.

The sun is out but think i shall stay in as my cough is still lingering shall just have a quiet afternoon with my youngest hogging the tv :)



20:53 Jun 09 2013

very true i know how you feel hope you get better soon

20:54 Jun 09 2013

chuckles thank you :)


15:50 Jun 08 2013
Times Read: 638

Have had a good day today. Went out with my eldest and spent some time with each other just doing mother/son things.

Picked up some summery clothes for him and his brother too. We stopped off at a pancake house and had some pancakes and drink before doing some more shopping. Its been a nice day and am a little more relaxed compared to the last week or so.

But now my eldest is upstairs with one of his friends so am sure anything can happen to change that view.




23:39 Jun 07 2013
Times Read: 643

So today has been a very good day. My youngest took part in his sports days events. It is his last one before he heads off to high school after the summer holidays. He did his best and thats the main thing.

When we got home i was grateful as my knees were sore and the hay fever kicked in. The weather could have been slightly warmer but all in all a good day for us both.

Got a busy day ahead of me tomorrow. So shall rest up and try to sleep a little.




14:05 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 648

Was rudely awoken this morning by one owner of a certain car that had been parked in my drive yesterday. He had his music blaring out at 8.30am reversing his car. I had been up the night before coughing and still trying to get over from the viral throat infection i have had since saturday.

He and the neighbor went off to the yard a while later to get a new exhaust for the car. Which left me to get up grouchy with the kids.

So got up and got breakfast sorted out but it has been so hot here today that to be honest i am not entertaining on doing much. Shall get dinner sorted out in while and the boys school uniform dealt with. The eldest went out a while ago with two bottles filled with water so he is having a water fight and quite rightly so. To hot not to have a little fun.




23:36 Jun 03 2013
Times Read: 654

Today has been a mixture of a day.

First up my eldest and i took a trip into town spoke to the landlord about the broken window over the weekend so hopefully it will be fixed some point. Fortunately the weather is warming up so im not concerned about the winter coming back and the heating to be switched back on.

We went and done a little shopping picked up some fruit and ingredients to make pancakes this evening.

The neighbors had to borrow my drive to fix a friends car as the gear box went kaputz big time. So after they had taken a filthy trip to the junk yard and picked up what they required my afternoon was full of the noise of grunts swearing and tinkering of tools and grinding of protests from rusty bolts.

After a half an hour it was suggested that perhaps some wd40 might e the way to go but for the life of me when asked as to if i have some and knowing i did and do still have somewhere in the house but i unfortunately could not lay my hands on it. So with some more less gentle persuasion it finally gave way and the tinkering commenced.

After 2 hours the new gear box fixed and the bloke drove off down the road leaving me a peaceful moment to work my wonders in the kitchen and whip up food for two hungry boys.

It was much appreciated and after i had a chance to grab mine i sat down to rest a little and watch some tv.

But my eldest did eventually come down the stairs and placed his order in for some merry berry pancakes and it was not long before i was making up some not only for myself and the boys but for the neighbors to.

Have left the dishes into soak as my hands have done enough for the day in working.

So am now sat watching Pirates of the Carribean my eldest trying to ignore the constant buzz from my phone as some people just dont know when to leave things be.

Tomorrow is another day and then the kids return back to school on Wednesday so can play catch up on the house work and such.




23:10 Jun 01 2013
Times Read: 666

Not a happy right now. Window was smashed in this evening by some mindless idiot who needs a good bounce into reality.

Why do kids feel that it is funny to destroy another persons property?

It is sad that it is common now for these things to be expected and for the people who do it to actually get away with it.

When i spoke to the police officers this even and i said that they needed a good bounce and that i said i know i would be arrested for it. They both said and not jokingly neither that i wouldnt be arrested for it and that they would be grateful if i could bounce the kids one as well if i do get a hold of them.

What has happened to the police protecting us. Since when is it my job to do the bouncing. Are the police force not here to serve and protect the people who need it.

It really does piss me off and disgust me that it has come to this.

I am a parent who looks after two kids and raises them as best as i can. If my eldest is out of order he knows i dont take it. With my youngest being disabled i as a parent am expected to keep him in control when his out bursts happen and that he does not lash out at others. If i was the irresponsible parent then would society judge me as the same if my youngest was to attack and lash out? I think and know that some would.

If parents dont know where there children are and what they are doing then perhaps they should not have them!

I dont expect people to agree or disagree this is just my personal opinion and one vented not half as satisfactory as i would like to but am still to pissed off!



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